
February 13, 2013

As Austin was putting on his tie recently one morning, he looked at me and said, "You realize we are living our dream, don't you?" It made me think for a minute. "Wow...well yes," I said.

It was neat to realize that our life situation right now, though definitely not perfect, was what we were hoping, aspiring, working for, for the past several years. I looked at Evan sitting in his chair enjoying a bowl of oatmeal in his fire truck pj's and felt the weight of a soft and happy baby in my arms. I looked at Austin and smiled, and felt how thankful I was to him for being such a virtuous man and for working so hard. I felt so thankful to be able to be a full-time mommy. I knew that it was because of the goodness of the Lord that we have all that we do; for it is all his anyway. All of this together,  it was our dream.

It is also good to note that as we aim for goals and then achieve them, while in this life, while we are 'living our dream,' it does not mean life will be perfect. In this same morning situation, I could have realized the oatmeal that Evan was spilling over the table, on the floor and on his pj's. I could have focused on the spit-up smell that was coming from Grant and the fact that I needed to change his diaper and feed him in the next 2 minutes. Or I could have felt sorry for myself that my wonderful husband was going to leave out the door in the next five minutes for another 15+ hour work day--who knows, I might not even see him until tomorrow morning.

All of these seemingly 'negative' things we go through because the 'positives' outweigh them. We let Evan feed himself because that's a life skill, he will learn and get better as he practices (and totally has!). Grant, while babies can seem 'high maintenance,' they are the most precious and pure people on this planet! They are such a gift and can teach you so much. And although Austin's day's can be long, we are so grateful for his job. He is supporting our family and gaining great experience while doing it.

Grant went swimming for his first time! Nice Speedo  ;)
Helping Evan 'surf'

That's one happy kid

This past weekend brought lots of snow to the city, the first actual snow storm that was significant enough to play in! Evan and Austin were on the terrace for a while and had a blast. Evan especially loved it!

Sledding on the Terrace

Snow Angel

The Original Snow Angel

Handsome dudes



Evan told me to leave him at the Dr's.  

Play date

This makes me laugh. Look at the outdated family
photo in the background.  These two seriously love
each other so much. Is there a future between the two?

This is how I feel most days :)

Playing in the gym

Play school playtime

Such a happy kid

Best mustache award given this morning

This is my new favorite thing. Evan and Grant laughing at each other!

At the museum again. Evan has a new love for dinosaurs!

Play date at the museum

Evan's favorite dino

Those are some big tusks!


  1. Marisa you are the best Mom with best perspective!

  2. I love the way you write and I love all the pictures! Your mom is right; you have a wonderful perspective on life!
